fredag 4. januar 2008


Noe som svært få vet er at jeg skriver dikt, og da helst på engelsk bare fordi jeg syns det er lettere for meg å utrykke meg selv på engelsk. Jeg kommer til å legge ut noen dikt, og akkuratt dette diktet skjønner nok fleste parten hva handler om.

Too late?

It’s too late, too late to go back
We have little time, we need to start now
I see the world devouring before my eyes
I should do something, but would it help?
Everywhere I look, I see people destroying it
The only world we have
We humans are selfish beings
It’s all about the money
We have lost touch with nature
It’s too late to go back
Maybe it’s not too late to stop
We need to stop, before the time runs out
Things are happening, we can see the changes
If we are too late, there will be no more anything
The world is precious; we need to start loving it
If we continue like we are doing
All we love is gone, destroyed by ourselves
If there is nothing we can do
How can we live, how can we have hope
Knowing its all for nothing?
All our dreams won’t mean anything
We will become empty shells
Zombies walking this earth
Waiting it to end
So that’s why I’m asking
Is it too late?

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